Last Saturday we had our annual Busy Bee Christmas Party and what a success it was too. As usual Pat, Brian and Steve did the shopping, prepared the food and transported it to the venue. They then laid the food on the table for all of us to enjoy on the night. The display was truly comparable to a 5 star establishment.
Our regular band called “Cruisin & Mooses” played Rock n Roll music for the members to dance the night away. Some of the members commented that the band was not too loud this year and therefore every one enjoyed the music even more. I think the selection of right kind music also played a big part.
Well done to Carol for selling the most raffle tickets even though Brian’s name kept popping up. There were lots of prizes up for grabs.
On behalf of the committee we would like to thank each and every one of you for turning up and supporting your club and hope you all had a lovely time.
And finally, as usual a big thank you to Pat, Brain and Steve for clocking on so many hours of overtime at this and other club functions throughout the year.
Before you put your bikes away for the winter months and plug that trickle charger of yours there are three more club runs.
Wishing you all “A Very Merry Christmas & A Wonderful New Year” !!!
Keep on biking, stay warm and look after yourselves through the winter months.